Byleth×Rhea Support Conversations
C Support
レア: あなたをここに招き入れるのは、初めてだったでしょうか。
Rhea: Welcome, Professor. This is the first time I have welcomed you here, is it not? There is no need to be nervous. Please, come closer. When you speak with me here in this room, you are not speaking with the archbishop, but with Rhea. It's just me.
Choice 1: わかった Understood.
レア: ふふ……良い子ですね。
Rhea: Such a sweet child.
Choice 2: それでも緊張する I'm still nervous.
レア: まあ、可愛い子ですね。
Rhea: What a sweet child you are.
レア: あ、ごめんなさい。つい子供扱いしてしまって……。
Rhea: Oh, my apologies. I should not be treating you like a child as Jeralt's kin, somehow you don't seem at all a stranger to me... Speaking of Jeralt, may I ask if he ever spoke of me to you?
Choice 1: 実は聞いたことがなかった He never mentioned you.
レア: まあ……薄情なジェラルト。
Rhea: Oh dear. How heartless of him. In any case, let us endeavor to become closer from here on out.
Choice 2: 怖い人だと He said you were frightening.
レア: ジェラルトの言いそうなことですね。けれど、必要に迫られて、なのですよ。
Rhea: My, but that does sound like something Jeralt would say. However, one would be remiss to not take circumstance into consideration.
In order to rise to the role of archbishop, one must maintain an unbiased approach to judgement. It oft requires a certain sternness of words and actions.
However... I believe that the person who stands before you now is no longer frightening. At least...that is my hope.
Choice 3: 素晴らしい人だと He said you were incredible.
レア: それは本当ですか? ジェラルトの口からそんな言葉が出るとは思えませんけど。
Rhea: Hm, is that so? Unfortunately, I am unable to believe that such words fell from Jeralt's lips.
I want you to know that you are free to speak candidly. There is no need to spare me from the truth, however harsh it may be.
レア: ふふ、折角なので、あなたにも私の知るジェラルトのことを教えましょうか。
Rhea: Since you are here, shall I tell you about the Jeralt that I knew? By the look of it, you haven't heard much about his time at the monastery, have you? When I first met Jeralt, he was quite young. Why, he could not even grow a full beard at that point! On one fateful occasion, the band of mercenaries he belonged to fought alongside the Knights of Seiros. I was traveling with the knights at the time, and Jeralt jumped in front of an attack meant for me. He was gravely wounded. On the verge of death. I tended to his wounds in a desperate attempt to save his life. Thankfully, my efforts were not in vain. Jeralt managed to escape a seemingly certain death. I made arrangements for him to receive further care at Garreg Mach. The moment he was deemed fully recovered, I invited him to join the knights.
Choice 1: 知らない話を聞けて良かった I didn't know... Thank you for telling me.
Choice 2: 誰も教えてくれなかった He never told me...
レア: この話はほとんどしたことがありませんから……
Rhea: Well, it is not a story I have often repeated. Even at the monastery, there are not many who know that. I tell you this me, you are the child of the one who saved my life all those years ago. And also...
Byleth: 同時に……? Yes?
レア: ……いえ、たいした話ではありません。私はあなた自身をも信頼しているということ。
Rhea: Never mind. It is nothing. I simply wanted to say that I trust you. By coming to visit with me today, you have... Well... Suffice it to say that my day is brighter than it otherwise would have been. I thank you for that.
B Support
レア: Byleth……!よく来てくれました。
Rhea: Hello, Professor. It is so nice to see you here. It brings me great joy to now that you wished to visit with me again. I have this odd feeling that recently you've been trying to avoid me...
Choice 1: そんなことはない That isn't so.
レア: それを聞いて、安心しました。
Rhea: I am relieved to hear that.
Choice 2: そうかもしれない Maybe.
レア: やはり、そうでしたか。
Rhea: Yes, I thought as much.
レア: 今、こうして二人で話す機会を得られて、少し気持ちが軽くなった気がします。
Rhea: In any case, I am delighted by this opportunity to speak with you again. My, how laughable I must seem! I imagine you must be dumbstruck by how unbecoming my behavior is for the archbishop of all of Fódlan...
Choice 1: 大司教ともあろう者が…… Quite unbecoming.
レア: 存外、意地の悪いところがあるのですね。そういえば、ジェラルトもそうでした……。
Rhea: Such brusque manners! You must get those from your father.
Choice 2: 心配させて悪かった I'm sorry to have made you feel that way.
レア: まあ……! いいのですよ、私が勝手に気にしていただけのことですから。
Rhea: Oh, please do not waste your apologies on me. I am, perhaps, oversensitive. But thank you all the same. You are very kind.
レア: ところで、体の調子はどうですか。
Rhea: In any case, how are you feeling? Have you experienced anything strange since you began wielding the Sword of the Creator?
Choice 1: 問題ない Can't say that I have.
レア: 良かった……伝承の多い遺産ですから、あなたに何か変調がないかと心配でした。
Rhea: Oh, I am glad. There are so many legends about that blade. I was worried that carrying it may result in some strange side effect.
Choice 2: どういう意味? What do you mean?
レア: いえ、伝承の多い遺産ですから、あなたに何か変調があってはと思って。
Rhea: Oh, there are just so many legends about that blade. I was worried that carrying it may result in some strange effect.
レア: ……本当に、何もありませんか?胸が苦しいとか、夢見がおかしいとか……
Rhea: Has there really been nothing odd? A tightness in your chest? Strange dreams? Anything of the sort?
Choice 1: 大丈夫 I'm fine.
レア: もし何かあれば、すぐに教えてください。英雄の遺産に関わることかもしれません。
Choice 1: I see. Well, if something does occur, please let me know immediately. After all, it might have something to do with that Relic of yours.
Choice 2: 実は夢を…… Actually... I have had strange dreams lately.
レア: 不思議な夢を……?英雄の遺産に関わる何かかもしれません。
Choice 2: Strange dreams, you say? Hm. They may very well have something to do with that Relic of yours. (Rhea ⤴)
Choice 3: 実は少女が…… Actually, there is a young girl...
レア: 奔放で乱暴なところのある幼い少女の、幻を見る、と……?
Rhea: So you saw a young girl? And she appeared to you like a phantom?
I'm afraid I can't explain such an occurrence, but it may very well have something to do with that Relic of yours.
レア: 何かあれば遠慮なく相談に来てください。私はあなたの支えになりたいのですから。
Rhea: Please know that you are welcome to come to me about anything. I am here for you, always. By the way... When I see you at work, giving such splendid guidance to all of your students... I want you to know that it brings me great joy, as though I, myself, am receiving the benefit of your kindness.
A Support
レア: 待っていましたよ、Byleth!
Rhea: Hello there. I've been waiting for you.
If you would, please allow me a closer look at your face. Those beautiful, shining eyes...
And silken hair, so similar to my own...
Byleth: ……!?...
レア: ああ……ごめんなさい。私としたことが、我を忘れてしまうなんて。
Rhea: Oh dear, please excuse my rudeness. I forgot myself for a moment.
It is only that we haven't had a chance to speak privately since you were blessed with the power of the goddess.
I hope I have not caused you any discomfort.
Choice 1: 気にしていない Not at all.
レア: それならば、また次の機会も、同じようにさせてください。
Rhea: In that case, I hope you will allow me to behold your sweet face again in the future. It is my dearest wish that we may strengthen the bonds between us further still.
Choice 2: もっとしていい It was comforting.
レア: Byleth!?いったいどうしたのですか?
Rhea: Oh? I do not know what to say! I am overjoyed that you feel that way, but... Well, to be frank, that is not like you, is it? Still, no matter how I wish to strengthen the bonds between us, it is important that I not overstep.
Choice 3: やめてほしい Please don't do that again.
レア: そ、そんな!?……いえ、ごめんなさい。
Rhea: You cannot mean that! I...I am so very sorry. No matter how dearly I wish to strengthen the bonds between us, it is important that I not overstep.
Byleth: 絆? Our bonds?
レア: ええ、そうです。神祖に連なる者としての絆です。
Rhea: Yes. As souls blessed by a connection to the progenitor god, the bonds between us are truly unbreakable.
Just as the goddess blessed you with her own power...
I, too, received her divine protection. Long, long ago.
Though different, our fates are entwined.
Choice 1: わかった I understand.
レア: ふふ……そうは言ってもわからないことも多いでしょう。
Rhea: 1: You say that now, but I am certain there is much you still wish to know. To that end, know that truth has a way of revealing itself, in time.
Choice 2: よくわからない I don't understand.
レア: 今はまだわからぬことも多いでしょう。ですが、真実は自ずと明らかになります。
Rhea: Yes, I am certain there is much you still don't understand. Just know that truth has a way of revealing itself, in time.
レア: また新たな変化があれば、私を頼ってください。
Rhea: If you experience any further changes, please know that you can rely on me to guide you. Seteth and Flayn are also here to support you however they can. Dear child... May the goddess protect you, always.
S Support
レア: ……空の上にいる母と、話していました。
Rhea: As I soared through the sky... I spoke with my mother. Tell me... Is it wrong for me to be happy that I escaped death?
Choice 1: 素直に喜ぶべき You should be happy.
Choice 2: 自分は嬉しい I'm happy.
レア: 私のあの姿を見ても、あなたはそう言ってくれるのですか……?
Rhea: Can you still say such things to me, even after witnessing my...other form? Thank you. Somehow I feel as though your acceptance alone is my salvation. My sweet companion... I am entrusting the future of Fódlan to you. It is the only logical choice, as everyone wishes for you to be the new leader of this land.
Byleth: レアは……? What about you?
レア: 私にはもう、人々を導く資格などありません。
Rhea: I am not qualified to continue leading the people...
Though my intention was to keep the peace in Fódlan, I still propagated a false history and deceived my faithful followers.
I also took advantage of my position as archbishop to further my own selfish goal of seeing my mother again.
If my foolish actions had anything to do with the war, I-
Byleth: 皆も、レアの生還を喜んでいる We're all happy you returned to us.
レア: ………………。
Rhea: I wonder... After all I have it truly acceptable for me to go on living my life? You are aware that it is my fault your fate has been so cruel, are you not? You have become so strong... You and I...we were brought together by the flow of time, and bound by the hands of fate. I took you on as a professor, and ever since... Well, I believe with all of my heart that this outcome was meant to be. Oh... Perhaps it is disrespectful of me to say that.
Byleth: 失礼? How is it disrespectful?
レア: ええ、あなた自身が下した数多の決断が、今という時を形作っているのですから。
Rhea: Because it gives all of the credit to time and to fate, and doesn't pay you due honor for all of the choices you made that brought us to this moment. For all that you have done... For all the joy that you have brought me... Thank you. Ever since the tragedy at the Red Canyon, I have lived a solitary life. In an effort to fill the hole left by that solitude, I took up the challenge of reviving the progenitor god... I wished for you to become the progenitor god... I wished desperately to be held in my mother's arms once more... But that has changed. Now, I wish only for you to be yourself...and to have you by my side. I love you. Dearly. And so, I must ask... Will you accept this ring? If you feel the same, I would like nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you.
Byleth: 喜んで I love you too.
レア: Byleth、あなたも指輪を……?
Rhea: brought a ring as well? For me? I am overcome with joy... I never thought I would know a day so blissful as this... That we found each other... Perhaps that means my mother is looking after us. Guiding us.
Rhea: As the new leader of Fódlan, if you wish for this time of peace to be everlasting... Well, then I will happily dedicate my life to supporting your reign. No matter what obstacles we should encounter, I believe that our bond - no, rather our love - I believe that our love can overcome all. Together, we can achieve anything. With our love, we will make Fódlan's future as bright as the stars in the sky.